Manufacture Marinated – Fireplaces Room / Po Delta Park Visitor Centre

2003-2004 / Comacchio (FE)
Manufacture Marinated – Fireplaces Room / Po Delta Park Visitor Centre

For the Po Delta Park body, PANSTUDIO set out the visitor centre, the Fireplaces Room, the Laboratory and the slow food presidium of marinated eel and the offices in the former fish market. In particular the old Fireplaces Room was restored with the twelve big fireplaces for cooking eels: inside it every year, in a reduced form, the complete cycle of cooking, marinating and canning is shown, with specific purpose designed fittings. Adjacent to it, the visitor centre provides a “batana”, a boat for the transport of the baskets with the eels in them, inserted in the “cavana”, i.e. the landing inlet inside the firm, connected directly to the channels in the valleys.